Monday, May 18, 2009

Molly Sofia turns 8 Months and She's Movin'!

Molly turned 8 months old yesterday...and she's moving all over the place, she started crawling around 7 1/2 months. I looked up when Will started crawling b/c I thought he started a lot earlier than Molly but it turns out they were within 10 days of each other!! Also, we've been waiting and waiting for these darn teeth to pop up for Molly and I swore Will had a whole mouth full of teeth by 8 months, but he got his first two at 7 1/2 months, so she's not really that far behind. This is such a fun age, I find it hilarious how different it is with a second child. I'm already noticing it since Molly started crawling, she's all over the house and half the time I'm wandering around saying, "Where's Molly? Molly?" And Will is saying, she's over there, or over here...she's into EVERYTHING too, she's getting in to stuff Will never even had an ounce of interest in. For example: drawers, the fireplace, and wires. Always in to the wires. Another funny difference, we barricaded Will in to the living room, then as he got a little older, he was stuck in the living room and kitchen. He didn't have free range of the house until he was like 1 1/2 years...Molly's already climbing the first stair, the stools, the chairs, in to Lady's dog dish and wandering around underneath the dining room table. Molly's personality is coming out too...she's such a snuggler. She'll crawl up to you and just lay her head on you, if you're holding her, she'll look at you and then lay her forehead against your forehead. She's got more gusto than Will did too. She's already playing little teasing games with us. Especially with the fireplace (see video below). She'll head towards the fireplace and we'll say, "Moooolly, no no no..." She'll talk back, do a bouncey thing, then stop crawling, sit down, turn around and smile HUGE at you, then continue on her way toward the fireplace. Then repeat...she'll do it over and over and thinks it's the funniest little game. She responds to her name too, I love that milestone. It's wonderful when you say "Molly..." and she turns to look at you. She loves Lady too...she gets absolutely NO reinforcement though, she'll crawl through the whole house to get to Lady and Lady will up and walk away instantly. Poor Molly will watch with a kind of "hey! what's the big idea?!" kind of look and then crawl all the way over to Lady again, just to have Lady get up and walk away again. Molly's a studier...she'll pick up whatever and look at it with her lips pursed, she turns it over and over, switches it from hand to hand, plops it down and picks up the next thing. Here's my favorite: She's starting to clasp her hands together and is taking a huge interest in trying to clap. I love love love it. She'll sit down and clasp her sweet hands under her chin. Or she will pick up a toy in each hand and bang them together. And she always looks so proud of her accomplishment! She'll watch you all day long with a big ole smile on her face, if you'll just sit there in front of her clapping and saying, "clap clap clap." oh! and she's finally getting hair! Here's some sweet photo's and a fun video of her crawling (one of the very first times, you can tell she's just discovered how to do it).

Our lil' Cougar (see the hair "blowing in the wind" :-) ).
Molly's first experience with grass, wasn't so sure about it, was okay for a bit, but then felt "stuck" and wouldn't crawl off the blanket.
Thought this was so funny. Lady feels very put out by the kiddo's, while I was putting Molly down for her nap, Lady reclaimed her territory. (See the new flower bed in the background? There will be a post about that soon, talk about a project.)Will convinced me to get the drum and symbols out "b/c Molly's awake, and I'll do it in the bathroom so it's not too loud." Ha!! He was born a salesman.
See, there she is under the table...we didn't take the gate down for Will to even get to this table until he was much older.
Molly Sofia: 8 Months

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