Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Father's Day

 Yeah, so I'm just getting to a Father's Day post here...I have some catching up to do, huh? It was a fun day, started out with a friendly battle of the light sabers between father and son. Yes, I talked myself in to buying Jeremy a father's day present "from Will," two light sabers, one blue, one red. I figured I've been so adamant about no guns or swords for so long and Will and Jeremy love Star Wars so much, I decided, oh screw it...here have some light sabers. Of course they come with some strict rules and are stashed away on top of the fridge when not in use. :-) You all have to realize this is of the utmost importance in order to keep Molly from being beheaded. After having a rare extravagent breakfast cooked by me and a fun, crazy light saber match, we headed to Pacific Beach for a walk on the boardwalk and lunch.
Jeremy opened his card from Will, it talked, Darth Vader saying, "I'm your Faaaather." then said "that's why."
Yes! Light Sabers! (Will didn't know that's what the present was either, so he was just as surprised.)
Look at Molly, "I want to play, let me have it. My turn!"
I told Jeremy it was only fair, he should play on his knees.
I LOVE this picture, look closely at Molly's face...she looks like she's sayin, "HI-YAH, look out brother!"
Molly, "this is so fun!" Will, "seriously, boring, I don't want to be NICE, with my light saber."
Mr. Cool Guy at Pacific Beach, he's obsessed with these tank top undershirts.
Happy Girl
Look at that tongue...she's a thinker! Check out the WSU iphone case, that was my gift to J for Fathers Day.
Out for some yummy lunch and a beer...or two...no not for you Molly..not yet. :-)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Love it. First, where did you get the white undershirts? Those are cute! Will would be in heaven at my house, we have so many swords, bow and arrows, light saber, nerf gun. I was anti too for a long time, but realized it was inevitable. They are boys and will make anything a sword or gun and they think it's so fun! It is hard for me sometimes because Im not sure whats normal for boys and whats too much. Personally I would love to throw all the weapons away, but they would be devastated.